Phát âm chuẩn cùng VOA – Anh ngữ đặc biệt: New Farmers Go to Work (VOA-Ag Rep)

Học tiếng Anh: hiệu quả, nhanh chóng: Các chương trình của VOA Learning English for Vietnamese ( có thể giúp các bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe, hiểu rõ cấu trúc và ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một cách chính xác.

Luyện nghe nói tiếng Anh qua video: Chương trình học tiếng Anh của VOA: Special English Agriculture Report. Xin hãy vào để xem các bài kế tiếp.

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

The United States is one of the world’s leading agricultural powers. But few Americans are farmers. One recent study showed just two percent of the population with a job in agriculture. Yet small farms seem to be appearing in many areas to meet a growing demand for locally produced food. The people operating these farms often have little or no experience in farming. Mark Mills of Maryland once worked as a pastry chef. He decided to leave his secure job and turn to farming. Mr. Mills was a history major in college. All he knows about producing food comes from growing plants in his home garden and 26 years of working in restaurants. In recent years, many Americans have developed a taste for fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. The number of farmer’s markets has increased over 50 percent in the past 10 years. Federal, state and local governments believe now is the time to create jobs and new businesses. Mark Mills was one of four people accepted in the New Farmer Pilot Project in Montgomery County, Maryland. The project provides the new farmers with specialized business training, like marketing and business planning. The program links the new farmer with an experienced one. Mark Mills’ first year in farming was successful. He produced about 450 kilograms of turnips, 90 kilograms of carrots, and 130 kilograms of green, leafy vegetables. The hardest part was not growing the crops, he says. The problem has been selling them. Mr. Mills says his farm probably lost more money than it earned. Luckily, his wife has a non-farm job and can provide financial support, at least for now.

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