Phát âm chuẩn – Anh ngữ đặc biệt: FBI Unlocks iPhone (VOA)

Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng:, Nếu không vào được VOA, xin hãy vào để vượt tường lửa. Các chương trình học tiếng Anh miễn phí của VOA (VOA Learning English for Vietnamese) có thể giúp bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe và phát âm, hiểu rõ cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một cách chính xác. Xem thêm:

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The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI has ended its legal action against Apple. The FBI wanted Apple’s help to get information from a locked iPhone. The iPhone had been used by a shooter in an attack in San Bernardino, California last December. A husband and wife killed 14 people in the attack. Police later killed the couple during a gunfight. The FBI sought legal action to force Apple to create new software. The software would permit investigators to use a limitless number of passwords to enter the iPhone’s database. The government believed the information from the phone would help in its investigation of the San Bernardino attack. In February, a judge ordered Apple to help the FBI. But the agency announced in late March that it has been able to unlock and collect information from the phone without Apple’s help. It asked the judge to cancel her order, and she did. The FBI would not say how investigators succeeded in unlocking the iPhone and collecting its stored information. Lawyers for Apple say the company wants to know how the device was unlocked. But the FBI’s withdrawal of the legal action could hurt Apple’s ability to get answers from federal investigators. The FBI’s success in unlocking the phone could hurt Apple’s image. The public is now more likely to question the strength of security on Apple devices.

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