Phát âm chuẩn – Anh ngữ đặc biệt: Body Language (VOA)

Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng:, Nếu không vào được VOA, xin hãy vào để vượt tường lửa. Các chương trình học tiếng Anh miễn phí của VOA (VOA Learning English for Vietnamese) có thể giúp bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe và phát âm, hiểu rõ cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một cách chính xác. Xem thêm:

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Making presentations to others is often a big part of formal learning. But things other than the words we say can affect our message. Some call this physical message: body language. Charles LeBeau is a professor of public speaking. LeBeau tells VOA that body language includes posture, eye contact and gestures – how you move your hands or arms. He says presentations are especially difficult for people learning English as they must deal with grammar and natural nervousness. One effect of being nervous is moving from side to side. A presenter does not need to stand perfectly still. But, how a speaker moves is important. Whole-body movement should be slow and planned. Public speakers should look at the audience as they talk. But they often look at their notes or at the screen if they have an electronic presentation. LeBeau says making eye contact can be very difficult. He says the best way to avoid this problem is to use images and few words for notes instead of whole sentences. The image should help communicate the point you want to make. Writing a few words with the image on your slide helps you remember that point. Then you can look at the audience. Other experts advise moving your body to a different place for each idea. Stay in place until you finish making that point. Then move to the next place on the stage. LeBeau says a good way to change your body language is to make a video of yourself. This helps you to become aware of what you need to change.

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